Tuesday, July 17, 2012

10 Steps to Healthy Credit

It's NEVER too late to develop good credit habits.  Start followjng these credit tips today for a better future:

1.  NEVER--Ever--charge what you can't afford-No Matter What.

2.  Always Pay your bills on time to establish a good payment history. Paying bills late incurs late fees and
 damages your good credit.

3.  Set a monthly budget (spending limit) and stick to it--no matter what.

4.  If financing, shop around for the best mortgage, automobile, financing, and credit card rates. 

5.  Understand the terms of your mortgage, automobile, credit card.and other financing completely.

6.  Save money each payday for emergencies. 

7.  Shop as carefully with a credit card as you do with cash.  Don't buy frivolous items or those things you can't afford.

8.  Make full payments, not partial ones.

9.  Keep mortgage, automobile, credit card, and other information  on financing (including the phone number
 of the issuer) in a safe place.  Set up file folders for each bill.

10.  Make sure to also keep receipts, sales slips, and payment history in a safe place.  Compare charges when your billing statements arrive.  If there's a mistake, call your issuer right away.

For a brighter tomorrow: Get your credit under control.  Click here for more help!

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